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Our Philosophy

“Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.”

To implement our philosophy, we use organic seeds and potting soil in our greenhouse.  These seedlings are then transplanted to our fields and grown using organic methods.  We use honeybees to insure good pollination, plant wildflowers and herbs to provide a diverse habitat to attract other pollinators, and plant trap crops to lure pests away from the main gardens.  The result is vegetables, fruit, berries that look great, taste great and are healthy for you.  Healthy in that there are no pesticide residues on the produce, no added growth hormones in the meat and grown outside in rich soil, sunshine and fresh air.

Our mission is simply this: to grow a variety of healthy, fresh-picked, great-tasting food. 

We raise our cows, pigs and chickens responsibly and as naturally as possible. This means our beef are pastured and fed hay during winter that we harvest from our fields.  Calves are allowed to stay with and nurse from their mothers as nature intended.  Our pigs and chickens are raised outside so they can do what pigs and chickens do in their natural habitat and are fed any extra or culled veggies from the gardens, hay and supplemented with GMO-free grain. 


We are members of the Connecticut Northeast Organic Farming Association (CT NOFA) and sign their Farmer's Pledge every year.        Read it here!

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